gebogene Kederprofile
eingesägtes LUMI-Profil
Buchstabe Q beleuchtet
Säge an Profil

We will bring your profiles into shape!

Illuminated sign cases with rounded corners, circular advertising structures, cylindrical shapes or even art objects. With our CNC bending machine or by sawing in the profiles, a variety of shapes are possible. This is part of our "Profil.Plus" service. Further details on request.


The following profiles can be bent or deformed*:

Grundprofil 180

EPS 1-002 Main body 180

Bending radius of sawing >230 mm, cannot be bent using CNC

Grundprofil 120

EPS 1-006 Main body 120

Bending radius of sawing > 230 mm, cannot be bent using CNC

Grundprofil doppelseitig

EPS 1-009 Main body double-sided

Bending radius of sawing >300 mm, cannot be bent using CNC

EPS 1-017 Retrofit AP 84

CNC bending radius > 1200 mm, sawing bending radius > 230 mm

EPS 1-019 Retrofit AP 97

Bending radius of sawing > 300 mm, cannot be bent using CNC

EPS 7-001 Keder rail, 16x40mm

CNC bending radius >200 mm

EPS 7-005 Keder rail, D=30mm

CNC bending radius >250mm

EPS 6-007 Profile KTA+

Min. radius 600 mm, large radii can also be bent by hand

Profil KTplus

EPS 6-045 Profile KT+

Min. radius 650 mm or 1000 mm (depending on the bending direction)

*Note: All information is subject to change. We can only give precise statements on the final bending options after examining the respective project.